News BTB Jansky GmbH
BTB Jansky Supports Topical Report for MUR with Data Validation and Reconciliation (DVR)
BTB Jansky supported the development of the Topical Report (TR) No. 3002018337 on the use of Process Data Reconciliation (PDR)/Data Validation and Reconciliation (DVR) to increase reactor power output by up to 1.5% (10 – 15 MWe) through measurement uncertainty recapture or MUR in nuclear power plants.
Why BTB Jansky and PROCESSPLUS®?
Since 1998 BTB Jansky has been applying PDR/DVR (European/US nomenclature, identical methodology) with the PROCESSPLUS® System in approximately 70 nuclear power plant units worldwide, identifying a total of 184 MWe of recoverable power to date. The BTB team has the most profound experience and expertise in the field of PDR/DVR with in-depth knowledge about specific requirements from the respective national nuclear authorities using the proprietary VDI 2048 certified PDR/DVR system PROCESSPLUS®.
The PROCESSPLUS® System and BTB approach have successfully undergone an evaluation by TÜV SÜD to perform MUR at the Gundremmingen nuclear power plant Units B and C, making this the first approved MUR based on PDR/DVR in history.
The quality of data reconciliation and its derived actions are highly dependent on the experience of the modeler. The investment in a PROCESSPLUS® System guarantees full recovery of lost MW and maximum exploitation of the MUR potential. Models created by less experienced modelers can lead to irretrievable financial losses and to potential conflicts with nuclear regulatory authorities.
PDR/DVR for MUR and Power Recovery
PROCESSPLUS® is offered as a stand-alone solution for the above-mentioned objectives, easily integrating with all currently available data historians and plant data systems in nuclear power plants to provide
- Power recovery with reconciled correction factors
- MUR based on Topical Report No. 3002018337
- Component Monitoring with the possibility to extend maintenance intervals
- Measurement Monitoring with the possibility to extend maintenance intervals
- Increased plant safety
For the US market, BTB Jansky cooperates with its partner Curtiss-Wright and provides reconciled data through the FAMOS System. The highest quality of reconciled data for MUR is guaranteed in an environment that US nuclear power plants are accustomed to and trust. PROCESSPLUS® seamlessly integrates with the existing IT infrastructure and FAMOS.
Contact BTB Jansky at for more information.